About Us

The Remnant Lions aims towards becoming one the leading theatre and productions companies in Malawi and Africa collectively. We aspire towards creating content that furthers the dialogue of supporting our girl and boy children through media productions, social events and charity efforts (primarily towards our children’s wards and tuition fees assistance programs which we support through financial returns from our productions).

We believe in the transformative power of theater to inspire, educate, and create positive change in our community. Through our performances, workshops, and community outreach programs, we aim to bring stories to life that celebrate our cultural heritage, address social issues, and ignite meaningful conversations.

Our dedicated team of talented actors, directors, writers, and production crew members work tirelessly to create thought-provoking and impactful productions. We strive to push boundaries, challenge conventions, and engage audiences on a deep emotional level.

We are proud to be part of the vibrant artistic landscape of Malawi, and we are committed to nurturing local talent and providing platforms for aspiring artists to shine. Through collaborations with other theater organizations, both locally and internationally, we foster a spirit of creativity, exchange, and growth.

But our mission extends beyond the stage. We actively engage with our community through workshops, educational programs, and initiatives that empower individuals and promote social justice. We believe that by using our platform, we can contribute to a more inclusive, compassionate, and equitable society.

Explore our upcoming productions, events, and initiatives on our website or connect with us on social media. We look forward to sharing our passion, creativity, and commitment to making a difference with you. Welcome to Remnant Lions Theatre Company!.

What We Do?

Film Production

One of our major cornerstones as partly a production company includes developing, producing and releasing films for the people. We believe telling our unique stories shared by many Africans worldwide opens great opportunities for Malawi and our creative/tourist industries. After premiering our debut movie “Belinda” this year mid-June at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre, we hope it sparks constructive conversations within communities about social, human and child rights protection which largely still affect many families and young children who lack proper support and representation in our society. With flm we are able to give a voice to the voiceless.

Live Events

Remnant Lions believes in utilizing live events, including stage dramas, musical performances, and comedy shows, to entertain and connect audiences from diverse backgrounds. Through projects that shed a unique light on the African experiences, we present stories which are both relatable and still offer artistic qualities that leave audiences with subtle conversation takeaways that potentially lead to addressing matters affecting us collectively both in challenging times and good moments.

Skills Development

Malawi has one of the largest untapped pool of potentially great artist who simply need guidance and direction towards their professional career greatness as artists. We therefore have ongoing programs which aim to education, inform and empower these artist with tools that allow them to strive further than the diaspora through their arts. With professionals specialized in film directing, acting, stage design, audio engineering and much more; we strive to help our future generation of artist and  creators to continue telling their creative stories and perspectives of Malawi to the rest of the world.

Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) Initiatives

We believe in harnessing the power of the art industry as a tool to support fellow Malawians in our community, especially in times of need, such as when Malawi was heavily impacted by natural disaster floods “Cyclone Freddy” in Malawi 2023, which left many families with lost hopes. We noticed this as an opportunity to help in the aftermath support efforts any way possible. This led us in partnership with other generous parties and organizations to successfully rebuild several homes and offered assorted relief items for the few families we identified mostly affected in rural Malawi on the outskirts of our main cities as we hope to continue this effort with other mutually invested well-wishers across Malawi and abroad.

We are also dedicated in empowering and supporting Malawian youth — especially those from marginalized communities lacking support across Malawi by providing them with funded school supplies and resources to further motivate them towards their educational potential and in achieving their goals.